Nutrition for breast cancer support with Emma Marshall






Emma is a registered Nutritional Therapist, Functional Medicine Practitioner and experienced chef who specialises in working with breast cancer patients.

Constantly learning through formal education and research, Emma combines her evidence-based nutrition knowledge with over 25 years of cooking experience both in professional and domestic environments.  This enables her to take the science of nutrition and the healing it can bring and make it accessible for her clients through her recipes and menu plans.


Her focus is on nutrition, working with you to provide a personalised and supportive approach to identify and reduce your risks and optimise your overall outcome. She regularly uses functional testing and is experienced and has trained with genetics, stool testing, blood tests and hormone testing.


Emma started her career as a Chef in London and then ran her own catering business and cookery workshops for 20 years before qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist at The College of Naturopathic Medicine in London in 2018. She completed the Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) training from the Institute of Functional Medicine shortly afterwards. Emma also obtained the NTEC accredited professional training in Nutrition and Cancer in 2018 from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in London and studied at the Peat Institute for Cancer Knowledge. Emma recently completed her Oncology Nutrition consulting certification programme. The Oncology Nutrition Institute (ONI) provides evidence-based educational certification and training programs in the emerging field of modern, integrative, metabolic, and outcomes-based oncology nutrition therapy.

In parallel, Emma completed Dr Nina Fuller Shavel’s 6-monthSystems Approach to Cancer course, which sets a new standard in cancer nutrition education in the UK. It is an evidence-based expertly led training programme that draws on Dr Fuller-Shavel’s extensive medical, scientific and integrative care knowledge, as well as systems biology and continually evolving understanding of cancer pathophysiology. Emma has been a helpline volunteer since 2018 with Yes To Life, the UK’s Integrative Cancer Care Charity.


Our 3-month nutrition package includes an initial consultation of 90 minutes with two follow-up consultations of 60 minutes and two catch up calls of 30 minutes. Written personalised health plans with recipes and supporting information are provided. All sessions of the package must be taken within a 6-month period, or any further sessions left at the end of this timeframe will be null and void. 

Please note that nutritional therapy is not designed to diagnose, treat or cure any disease, including cancer. Nutritional therapy is about supporting the body’s resilience and whole person wellbeing, and we always aim to work collaboratively with oncology services.

Please note that our nutrition team is not able to work with integrative doctors outside our clinic beyond our approved referral network, as we aim to keep an aligned and consistent approach. Similarly, if you are under the care of a dietitian in the NHS, we are not usually able to provide joint support. If you have other professionals apart from your oncology team involved in your care, you will need to notify us and discuss this with our clinic coordinator ( before booking in. It is essential that you are consciously prepared to make some nutrition and lifestyle changes before contacting the clinic and to invest time and effort into this approach with our support, as it is not a quick fix. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your clinic coordinator, Jody Middleton on:


T. 0238 251 2865


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